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The European Review for Alternative Conflict Solution and Dispute-Resolution is the joint, peer-reviewed online of journal of the

the Foundation for the Legal Education of Miskolc (3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros)

and the Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc (3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros)


The journal publishes peer-reviewed studies, translations, peer-reviewed reviews, and short practice-oriented articles in all areas of jurisprudence.

Our journal will be published twice a year.

Deadline for submission of studies for the following issue: 30th September 2021

Authors are asked to provide the following information on a separate page (in a separate file):

-          the full title of the article;

-          name of the author;

-          institution of the author.

Authors are asked to use footnotes instead of endnotes. The footnotes should be indicated by aligned Arabic numerals in the text. Please indicate the reference to the origin of the text as well as acknowledgments addressed to individuals and scholarship fundswith an asterisk next to the title. We ask you to place this note at the bottom of the first page.

The full reference to the sources must be given at the time of the first mention. In this regard, we ask the authors to use the following reference system:

1. In the case of citing a book, the format is as follows: the full name of the author, the title (in italics), the place of publication, the name of publisher, the year of publication and the page number. For example:

  • Peschka Vilmos: A jogszabályok elmélete, Budapest, Akadémiai, 1979, 50. p.
  • Herbert Hart: A jog fogalma, Budapest, Osiris, 1995.

2. In the case of citing a chapter in an edited volume, the format is as follows: the full name of the author, the title of the chapter, the name of the edited volume (in italics), the name of the editors, the place of publication, the name of publisher, the year of publication and the page number. For example:

  • Hans Kelsen: Tiszta jogtan és analitikus jogelmélet, in: Jog és filozófia: Antológia a XX. század jogi gondolkodása köréből (szerk.: Varga Csaba), Budapest, Szent István Társulat, 2001, 173. p.

3. In the case of citing a journal article, the format is as follows: the full name of the author, the title of the article, the name of the journal (in italics), the volume of the article, the year of publication and the page number: For example:

  • Frederick Schauer: Rules and the Rule of Law, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 14 (1991) 3., 650. p.

4. In case repeated citations, please use the following examples:

  • Peschka: op.cit. 116. p.
  • Peschka: A jogszabályok elmélete 116. p.

5. You do not need to attach a separate bibliography to the article, it is sufficient to indicate the referenced works in the footnotes..

6. In order to standardize the chapter and sub-chapter titles within the texts, we ask the authors to use Arabic numbering.



References to the legal sources and judicial cases of the European Union (examples)


Primary law:

  • Treaty on the European Union (TEU) (OJ C 321E, 29.12.2006. 12. 29.)

 Secondary law:

  •  Council Regulation (EC) No974/98 of 3 May 1998 on the introduction of the euro (OJ L 139., 11.05.1998, p. 1)

Judicial practice

  • Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 2 May 2006 in Case Regione Siciliana v Commission of the European Communities (ERC 2006, I-3881)